Saturday, October 25, 2008

First Post

Writing erotica came to me rather naturally. I started when I was about 15, before I even knew about the genre. Back then it was an outlet, and I thought nothing of materializing my fantasies to prose. They were dreams, projections and possibly future goals of the kind of life I wanted. Promises of what could be -well maybe not promises...

So the name of this blog... My sun is in Pisces and my rising sign is Aries. Which means I'm a dreamer, lover of all things needy, and the best and worst of all the zodiac signs - I've heard it referred to as "the dust bin of the zodiac". But on the outside, I act like an Aries. I want to be first, to conquer and make the world right. I'm adventurous, compassionate and insanely jealous to a fault....until another muse comes along to lift my crushed spirit. Like a small child on a playground - that's me.

So this blog is my playground. I hope you have fun. :-)

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